Pantheon Plymouth

A Holistic Approach to Fitness

Pantheon Plymouth is a family-run, hybrid gym with a focus on helping you to find your love for fitness.

Our facility boasts a variety of different training rooms and an on site café.

We have a range of membership tariffs to meet your needs and requirements.

Let Pantheon support you on your fitness journey.



Pantheon’s bespoke mobile application gives you the power to control all aspects of your fitness journey from your phone.

Our History

Pantheon was a dream created by Ben Wadham.

Serving 9 years in the Royal Marines, 4 of which were spent as a PTI, health and fitness have always been a massive part of his life. On leaving the Corps, Ben worked in gyms as a Head Coach and Manager, as well as further developing his fitness qualifications and pursuing hobbies which extended to CrossFit and rugby.

This experience, alongside his military background, result in a wealth of fitness knowledge, so starting this business was the perfect way for Ben to share his passion and skills to help others achieve their health objectives, wherever they are on their fitness journey. Exercise can be adapted to suit all abilities and there are proven mental health benefits to staying active and feeling part of the community.

Pantheon aims to enable everyone to be happy, healthy and fit, by doing something they can enjoy. With Ben’s unfaltering enthusiasm and motivation, you will achieve all of your fitness goals in a positive, supportive and friendly environment.

For further information regarding upcoming events, please contact us via social media or email at

All bookings to be made via the booking system on this website or via our Pantheon app.

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